By Gary R. Olejniczak|2020-02-13T17:15:33+00:00February 13th, 2020|Tags: Barn, Blackwater River, Coldsnap Photography, Columbus, Door County, Elekala Falls, Fall Color, Forest, Highlands, John Gregor, Lake Superior, Martin Radigan, Michigan, Minnesota, North Shore, Ohio, Ottawa Natioinal Forest, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Polar vortex, River, Robert H. Clark, Stream, Sugarloaf Cove, Tettegouche Sate Park, Trees, Upper Peninsula, Water, Waterfall, Waterfalls, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Woods|
The results of this years review have been tallied and the winner chosen. First, I would like to thank all of you who took the time to view my images and share your three selections. Each year I learn from this exercise and improve my photography based on your feedback. With that, here are the popular selections from 2019: SECOND RUNNER UP