Faced with a lengthy stay at home thanks to Covid-19 pandemic travel restrictions, I chose another option to fulfill my photographic wanderings. I am currently traveling through my large catalog of images seeking hidden gems that were previously missed or images that can be re-imagined through post-processing.

                                                                                Early on in this journey, I realized there were very few Black & White conversions in my body of work. I truly enjoy viewing the Black & White work of other photographers but have never allotted the time to explore it personally. Now, with so much time available, a folio project seemed like a natural way to work on the Black & White conversion process and related printing skills.

The folio, Meandering, Black & White Collection #1 is now complete and resting on a coffee table in the den. It contains twelve images captured over many years of travel. I greatly enjoyed the journey and will be setting out in the near future to seek other unexplored places in my catalog. The images below are presented here in order of their appearance in the folio.

Dry Creek


Alluvial Flow


Reaching Out


Frozen Leaf


White Brigade


Downward Spiral






Cobblestone Alley


Church Rock


Forbiden Isle


Window to the Heavens