I recently journeyed to the West Virginia highlands to photograph its beautiful and varied scenery. This picturesque part of Appalachia is loaded with great photo opportunities and has been on my bucket list for a while. Along with several like-minded photographers, I joined up with Robert Clark https://www.roberthclarkphotography.com and Martin Radigan https://www.martinradigan.com, leaders of the Potomac Highlands Landscape Photography Workshop.

Over the next few weeks, I will post about the images I made and included in the Featured Images section of my website. Each post covers a different place I visited.

I made this capture during my return from a morning shoot in windy and overcast conditions on the workshop’s last day. As the group made our way back down from the high plateau, we passed panoramic mountain views with scenic farms and fenced-in pastures. A sharp bend in the road brought us to this freshly cut field with a storage barn in the distance. At that moment, the clouds broke and the light was splendid. The scene looked promising, as we pulled to the side of the road and made for the fence line. We were rewarded for our impromptu stop with 20 minutes of great light falling on a beautiful scene. The threat of rain grew as we photographed the pasture, and everyone worked quickly to get their shots before we returned to the lodge.


West Virginia Barn


These are the technical details for the image:

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